
04 May 2022

Study seeks to guide investors to mitigation opportunities in forests and agriculture

There is an urgent need to identify financing strategies for nature-positive investment opportunities.
21 March 2022

Treating Deforestation Helps Prevent Future Pandemics: Forests and Public Health Two Years Since Covid-19

Two years since Covid-19 and we still do not think of forests and public health together.
07 February 2022

So, what is the voluntary carbon market exactly?

A primer on the voluntary carbon market sheds light on the workings of a unique marketplace.
06 October 2021

Towards a greener, fairer and more productive land use sector in Colombia

The current reality of Colombia’s rural sector reflects the necessity to undertake structural changes to address the challenges that limit this potential and hinder sustainable development.
06 October 2021

Shifting finance towards sustainable land use: redirecting financial markets

The land sector is a huge emitter of greenhouse gases (GHG). Globally, agriculture, forestry, and other land use (AFOLU) drive about one-quarter of annual GHG emissions.
22 September 2021

Ambitious carbon pricing and a just transition should go hand in hand

Although carbon pricing has gained prominence worldwide as one of the key policies to foster decarbonization, setting any price may not be enough anymore.
15 September 2021

The VCM as a catalyst of climate action beyond public action by governments

Project developers are at the core of the voluntary carbon market (VCM): they identify mitigation and business opportunities, bring partners together, and bear the financial risk of reducing emissions.
25 August 2021

Corporates and governments would benefit significantly from joining forces in voluntary carbon markets

In the effort to halt global heating, large global corporates and developing country governments should join forces to stop deforestation and build resilient economies.
19 August 2021

Governments can exploit the untapped potential of the VCM to scale-up emission reductions

The Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) represents a great opportunity to mobilize significant investments in climate action in developing countries. While addressing the climate crisis, these projects contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals and address other global challenges such as inequality, environmental degradation, and social development, which are truly needed.
02 August 2021

Balancing the needs of stakeholders for a successful voluntary carbon market

Making the voluntary carbon market successful at driving meaningful mitigation requires a governing approach that recognizes and balances the needs of stakeholders on both the supply and demand sides of the market. In an attempt to address this problem an initiative has been created that puts the supply-side at the center of the conversation on how to shape the voluntary carbon market, including a range of stakeholder conversations in Asia, the Pacific, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean with project developers, civil society, and government representatives. A number of key recommendations have surfaced from these conversations.