
Press contact

Our consultants and analysts can provide insights into sustainable land use and zero-deforestation strategies, international and domestic climate policies, climate finance, new climate mechanisms and cooperative approaches. 

Please contact info [at] with all media enquiries.

In the media - 07 July 2021

Circular Table Talks: Lead legal consultant Darragh Conway talks about carbon pricing

Lead legal consultant, Darragh Conway, talks in the first episode of Circular Table Talks about carbon pricing and how it enables carbon capture and storage.
In the media - 11 June 2021

Podcast: Weizen, Hirse, Reis - wie werden wir alle satt?

Climate Focus co-founder and director, Charlotte Streck, speaks with SWF1 on the topic of agriculture and climate change.
In the media - 11 March 2021

Darragh Conway talks to DW about the future of global oil companies

Lead Legal Consultant Darragh Conway spoke with German international news network Deutsche Well (DW) about oil companies' climate plans in the near and mid future as pressure by investors grows.
In the media - 28 November 2020

Megaprojects risk pushing forests past tipping point – report

Infrastructure megaprojects risk pushing the world’s remaining forests past a tipping point and making climate targets unachievable, reports the Guardian on the 2020 NYDF Progress Assessment Report.
In the media - 28 November 2020

Will the carbon tax last long enough to have an impact?

The carbon tax has the potential to spur lasting cuts in emissions but opposition is fierce. Will it last long enough to make a difference? Read Darragh Conway's analysis in the Irish Examiner.
In the media - 28 October 2020

Interview: Cars no longer have the first and most prominent title to city space

Climate Focus Co-Founder Adriaan Korthuis proposes to repurpose half of the road surface of Rotterdam in an interview published in the print edition of local newspaper AD Rotterdams Dagblad.
Press Release - 01 September 2020

Improved diets can deliver 20 percent of global emissions reductions needed by 2050

Policymakers can improve the chances of achieving climate goals by making more specific commitments to transforming national food systems, finds a new report by WWF, UNEP, EAT and Climate Focus.
In the media - 10 July 2020

BBC News World Service: IEA Clean Energy Transitions Summit

Climate Focus Lead Legal Consultant Darragh Conway reflected on the outcomes of the IEA Summit on Clean Energy Transitions on BBC World Service.
In the media - 01 June 2020

How Guatemala Blended Existing REDD+ Projects Into a New National Strategy

This blog post is part of the Shades of REDD+ series, published on Ecosystem Marketplace. It outlines how Guatemala, a leader in REDD+ projects, is developing a national strategy that benefits all.
In the media - 15 May 2020

Op-Ed: Tackling tropical deforestation – The need for EU leadership

The EU’s commitment to introduce mandatory due diligence standards on companies importing products linked to environmental damage and human rights abuse deserves praise, it must be followed through.
In the media - 15 January 2020

BBC Radio 4: Monthly series on forests with Charlotte Streck

BBC Radio 4 is launching a series on forests – over the course of the year 2020 Climate Focus co-founder and director Charlotte Streck will analyze different aspects.
Press Release - 13 September 2019

NYDF Five-Year Progress Assessment: Despite high ambitions, we are failing our forests

Global progress on reducing deforestation and restoring natural forests has not kept pace with the scale of commitments and the need for climate mitigation.
In the media - 13 August 2019

Op-Ed: Dissolving the conflict between food production and climate protection

Food production and climate protection are indispensable livelihoods and non-negotiable, we must reconcile both. An Op-Ed by Climate Focus Director Charlotte Streck for Swiss newspaper of record NZZ.