Op-Ed: Dissolving the conflict between food production and climate protection

Op-Ed: Dissolving the conflict between food production and climate protection

Food production and climate protection are indispensible livelihoods and non-negotiable. So in the future, it's all about reconciling both, writes Climate Focus Director Charlotte Streck in an Op-Ed, published in leading Swiss newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) on 13 August 2019. 

With forests dying, burning or giving way to an almost insatiable hunger for beef and soybeans worldwide, we are currently are losing irreplaceable carbon storage and biodiversity. By cuttin down the cooling forests we are also heating up the climate further and further. Every year for the last five years, we have deforested areas the size of the United Kingdom. It is time for us to take the forest and land use issues seriously in terms of climate policy.

You can read the complete text (in German) here. 

Release Date

13 August 2019