
24 May 2022

State and Trends of Carbon Pricing 2022

The 2022 edition of the annual State and Trends of Carbon Pricing report was launched at Innovate4Climate today.
05 May 2022

[New Blog] Study seeks to guide investors to mitigation opportunities in forests and agriculture

There is an urgent need to identify financing strategies for nature-positive investment opportunities.
29 April 2022

[New Publication] Progress toward Ethical, Deforestation and Conversion-free Supply Chains: an assessment of German companies

Climate Focus and WWF Germany take stock of the policies and actions implemented by major German companies to move towards ethical supply chains.
18 April 2022

COMMENT: We must protect intact forests, but CORSIA got it wrong

Carbon credits generated by special rules for high-forest low-deforestation (HFLD) scenarios cannot generate interchangeable compliance instruments without threatening to undermine carbon market integ
22 March 2022

[New Publication] Untapped Opportunities for Climate Action: An Assessment of Food Systems in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)

Changing the way we produce and consume food could cut at least one-fifth of the emissions needed to avoid catastrophic climate change.
22 March 2022

[Blog] Treating Deforestation Helps Prevent Future Pandemics: Forests and Public Health Two Years Since Covid-19

Two years since Covid-19 and we still do not think of forests and public health together. Georg Hahn discusses deforestation, pandemics, and public health in this International Day of Forests blog.
07 February 2022

[Blog] So, what is the voluntary carbon market exactly?

A primer on the voluntary carbon market sheds light on the workings of a unique marketplace.
27 January 2022

COP26 Briefing Note: Nature, Markets, and a Sense of Urgency

This briefing note was written to provide a summary of what happened at COP26 Glasglow for Climate Focus friends and partners.
12 January 2022

[Infographic] Zero Deforestation Model: Low Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions

Learn more about the zero deforestation investment model, the ecosystem, the activities, the benefits, and impacts in this infographic.
06 December 2021

[New Publication] Cocoa Landscape Mapping in the Orinoquía

The vast majority of areas deemed suitable for cocoa cultivation are currently utilized for extensive cattle ranching...
09 November 2021

[New Publication] Achieving a 1.5°c future requires a food systems approach

We won’t have a shot at achieving a 1.5°C target of the Paris Agreement if we don’t rapidly reduce emissions from food systems.
09 November 2021

[New Publication] NDCS Increasingly Becoming a Force for Nature

A new report by WWF and Climate Focus has found that countries are increasingly recognizing the value of nature-based solutions (NbS) in their efforts to address the climate crisis.
27 October 2021

Governments: use voluntary carbon markets to boost sustainable development

Governments can use voluntary carbon markets to tap into additional greenhouse gas mitigation. The VCM Vision & Action Agenda launched today with key recommendations from a halfyear of consultations.
26 October 2021

[Job Vacancy] Graphic Designer

Climate Focus has a new vacancy for a graphic designer with a 15 November 2021 application deadline.
20 October 2021

Join our Team! 6 New Job Vacancies at Climate Focus

Climate Focus is looking to fill 6 new job vacancies across our offices.
12 October 2021

[New Publication] Taking stock of national climate action for forests: Goal 7 Progress Report

The 2021 NYDF Assessment report focuses on Goal 7 of the New York Declaration on Forests (NYDF).
11 October 2021

[Blog] Shifting finance towards sustainable land use: redirecting financial markets

Thiago Chagas and Danick Trouwloon discuss three key opportunities for governments to recalibrate financial regulations.
11 October 2021

[Blog] Towards a greener, fairer and more productive land use sector in Colombia

Manuelita Montaño discusses the challenging reality of Colombia's land use sector, the opportunities for a rural green growth, and tapping into the potential to shift public finance.
11 October 2021

[Case Study] Shifting finance towards sustainable land use: A case study for Colombia

A new, collaborative set of publications seeks to support governments in their efforts to reorient finance flowing to the land sector.
06 October 2021

[New Publication] Policy Brief: Leveraging public procurement to promote sustainable diets in the European Union

Putting sustainable food procurement policies into practice across the European Union and its Member States has the potential to tackle environmental and health challenges…
06 October 2021

VCM Global Dialogue publishes five discussion papers with supply-side perspectives on the voluntary carbon market

The VCM Global Dialogue has now published five discussion papers that identify how voluntary carbon markets can drive mitigation activities that support national climate plans + more.
24 September 2021

[New Publication] Shifting finance towards sustainable land use

Globally, agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) drive about one-quarter of annual greenhouse gas emissions.