
24 May 2022

State and Trends of Carbon Pricing 2022

The 2022 edition of the annual State and Trends of Carbon Pricing report was launched at Innovate4Climate today.
05 May 2022

[New Blog] Study seeks to guide investors to mitigation opportunities in forests and agriculture

There is an urgent need to identify financing strategies for nature-positive investment opportunities.
22 September 2021

[Blog] Ambitious carbon pricing and a just transition should go hand in hand

The latest report of the IPCC is clear: the window of opportunity to reverse global warming is shrinking. Our economies must go through profound transformations at increasing speed and scale...
15 September 2021

[Blog] The VCM as a catalyst of climate action beyond public action by governments

We discuss the role of project developers and how the recent wave of corporate climate commitments has changed the voluntary carbon market.
25 August 2021

[Blog] Corporates and governments would benefit significantly from joining forces in voluntary carbon markets

In the effort to halt global heating, large global corporates and developing country governments should join forces to stop deforestation and build resilient economies.
20 August 2021

[Blog] Governments can exploit the untapped potential of the VCM to scale-up emission reductions

The Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) represents a great opportunity to mobilize significant investments in climate action in developing countries.
02 August 2021

[Report] Voluntary Carbon Market Dashboard H1 2021 Update

We’ve just released the 2021 half-year update report highlighting the direction of the VCM through our VCM Dashboard, including historical volumes up to H1 2021 and projections for H2 2021.
02 August 2021

[Blog] Balancing the Needs of Stakeholders for a Successful Voluntary Carbon Market

The VCM Global Dialogue Initiative puts the supply-side at the center of the conversation on how to shape the voluntary carbon market, balancing the needs of stakeholders.
07 July 2021

[Video Series] A Series on Carbon Pricing Including: Emission Trading Schemes & Carbon Taxes, Crediting Schemes, and Internal Carbon Pricing

Climate Focus has released a new video series on carbon pricing looking specifically at emission trading schemes & carbon taxes, crediting schemes, and internal carbon pricing.
05 July 2021

[E-Course] Communicating Carbon Pricing

A new self-paced interactive e-course helps you learn how to best integrate communications into the design of your carbon price.
03 July 2021

[New Publication] Article 6 readiness in NDCs and NDC Implementation Plans

A new study supports countries and other stakeholders to understand how they can enhance ‘readiness’ for future Article 6 collaboration in their NDCs and NDC implementation plans.
02 July 2021

[New Publication] NDCs Increasingly Becoming a Force for Nature

A new report published by WWF has found that countries are increasingly recognizing the value of nature-based solutions in their efforts to address the climate crisis.
17 June 2021

Voluntary Carbon Market Global Dialogue Regional Consultations

The VCM Global Dialogue organizes a series of regional dialogue sessions on how the voluntary carbon market can drive mitigation activities that support national climate plans and local priorities.
25 May 2021

[New Publication] 2021 Edition of the Annual State and Trends of Carbon Pricing

The 2021 edition of the annual State and Trends of Carbon Pricing report was launched at Innovate4Climate today.
21 May 2021

[New Publication] NDC Conditionality and Article 6: An Analysis of African Countries’ Updated NDCs

A lack of conceptual clarity opens space for different applications in NDCs. This study proposes a first typology for the link between NDC conditionality and Article 6 carbon markets.
30 April 2021

[New Publication] Unlocking Smallholder Finance for Sustainable Agriculture In Southeast Asia

This new report presents the business case for smallholders in Southeast Asia to transition to sustainable farming practices and offers recommendations.
26 April 2021

Claims + Credibility: Embracing Diversification to Scale Carbon Markets

Climate Focus Co-Founder and Director Charlotte Streck and Head of Environmental Markets at Gold Standard Hugh Salway discuss the role a voluntary carbon market can play in lowering GHG emissions.
22 April 2021

Shades of REDD+: Creating a Bigger Tent for REDD+ Success

Climate Focus Co-Founder and Director Charlotte Streck shares lessons that look for ways to successfully reduce deforestation and address climate change.
09 April 2021

Shades of REDD+: The Risk of Diverting Carbon Finance from Nature to Technological Carbon Removals

Increasingly, engineered carbon removal technologies are pitched against nature-based solutions to tackle the climate crisis—particularly in the voluntary carbon markets.
31 March 2021

Traineeship: Bogota Office

Climate Focus is seeking trainees on an ongoing basis to join its team in Bogota. Recent postgraduates and advanced postgraduate students are both encouraged to apply.
03 March 2021

Launch of the Voluntary Carbon Market Dashboard

Climate Focus is launching the Voluntary Carbon Market Dashboard - a new tool that provides corporates, investors and project developers with consolidated data on relevant carbon market metrics.
01 March 2021

Amsterdam / Rotterdam Opening: Climate Policy and Finance Traineeship

Climate Focus is seeking for a climate policy and finance trainee to join its team in Amsterdam or Rotterdam. Master students and graduates of relevant degrees are encouraged to apply.