[Blog] Balancing the Needs of Stakeholders for a Successful Voluntary Carbon Market

[Blog] Balancing the Needs of Stakeholders for a Successful Voluntary Carbon Market

Making the voluntary carbon market successful at driving meaningful mitigation requires a governing approach that recognizes and balances the needs of stakeholders on both the supply and demand sides of the market. In an attempt to address this problem, Climate Focus together with Transforma, SouthSouthNorth, and the Indonesia Research Institute for Decarbonization, supported by Verra, created the Voluntary Carbon Market Global Dialogue Initiative. 

In June and July 2021, the VCM Global Dialogue organized regional stakeholder consultations in Asia, the Pacific, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean to create a space for exchanging views, experiences, and best practices between practitioners and experts.

Read more about the initiative

In our blog 'Balancing the needs of stakeholders for a successful voluntary carbon market', Lieke 't Gilde, discusses a number of key recommendations that have surfaced from these conversations so far, which should find their place in the ongoing global debate.

Read the blog.