Shades of REDD+: Creating a Bigger Tent for REDD+ Success

Shades of REDD+: Creating a Bigger Tent for REDD+ Success

Creating a Bigger Tent for REDD+ Success - REDD+ can only be successful if all levels of policy – international, national, regional, and local – and all types of actors – government, private, community, and individuals – contribute to the solution. Climate Focus Co-Founder and Director Charlotte Streck shares lessons that look for ways to successfully reduce deforestation and address climate change. This story is part of a continuing series called “Shades of REDD+” published by Ecosystem Marketplace.

Natural resource management is, by nature, a collective action problem that requires incentives and cooperation of all levels of government, private and public actors. National governments alone are not better equipped to cope with deforestation compared to broad coalitions of stakeholders. 

Read the complete post here.