COP26 Briefing Note: Nature, Markets, and a Sense of Urgency

COP26 Briefing Note: Nature, Markets, and a Sense of Urgency

This briefing note was written to provide a summary of what happened at COP26 Glasglow for Climate Focus friends and partners. 

Further details in this briefing note include discussions around these points:

  • In 2021, concern about climate change is globally mainstream.
  • The Glasgow Climate Pact put new energy behind the commitment to limit global warming to 1.5°C.
  • Glasgow saw more announcements on forests and nature than any of its predecessor conferences.
  • Six years after the adoption of the Paris Agreement, negotiators finally completed the “Article 6 rulebook” and enabled carbon markets under the Agreement.
  • Expectations of developing countries with respect to accessing sustainable and predictable finance for adaptation and loss & damage were once more defeated.
  • Gender, human rights, and inclusion of Indigenous Peoples and local communities were given increasing attention in the negotiations, although the COP remains, overall, an affair of well-situated men.