Climate Focus announces publication of its report on the role of market mechanisms in the NDCs of Colombia, Mexico and Costa Rica (Spanish)

Climate Focus announces publication of its report on the role of market mechanisms in the NDCs of Colombia, Mexico and Costa Rica (Spanish)

Climate Focus has been contracted by GIZ to support the governments of Colombia, Mexico and Costa Rica in understanding the role of market mechanisms and international finance in the achievement of the goals established in their nationally determined contributions (NICs). As part of the activities under this assignment, Climate Focus has undertaken a study, of which a summary of the results has now been published in a report which can be accessed here.

The presentation Mercados de carbono, metas NDCs, y la doble contabilidad given by Juan Pablo Castro of Climate Focus at a workshop held in January in Santa Marta, Colombia for government officials from Colombia, Costa and Mexico, is based on this report and can be downloaded here