Lecture and Sinfonía Trópico book launch event

Lecture and Sinfonía Trópico book launch event

On August 24, Charlotte Streck, Director of Climate Focus, hosted the launching event for the new Sinfonía Trópico book. The event took place at the Botanical Garden of Bogotá, Colombia. After a guided tour through the garden, Charlotte Streck gave a lecture on "Climate Change: Solutions at the international, regional and national level and the German experience". After the lecture, the official launch of the book took place with presentations given by Katja Kessing, Director of the Goethe-Institute, and the artistic director of Sinfonía Trópico, Lillevan. The Sinfonía Trópico book is a collection of pictures, documents, infographics, anecdotes and chronicles the experiences and events that took place during 2014 -2015 in Urabá, Orinoquia, Amazonia, Chocó and Usme/Sumapaz.