Shades of REDD+: The Risk of Diverting Carbon Finance from Nature to Technological Carbon Removals

Shades of REDD+: The Risk of Diverting Carbon Finance from Nature to Technological Carbon Removals

The Risk of Diverting Carbon Finance from Nature to Technological Carbon Removals - Will forests be passed over to benefit from carbon finance – again? Climate Focus Co-Founder and Director Charlotte Streck and Chief Advisor, International Markets at GreenCollar Robert O’Sullivan tackle this question. This story is part of a continuing series called “Shades of REDD+” published by Ecosystem Marketplace.

Increasingly, engineered carbon removal technologies are pitched against nature-based solutions to tackle the climate crisis—particularly in the voluntary carbon markets. Any effort to reduce carbon concentrations in the air is welcome. However, a tech-driven plan that establishes a clear preference for carbon finance to go towards engineered solutions at the expense of nature-based carbon removals is misguided and potentially dangerous.

You can read the full article here.