
Fostering Climate Action through Trade-related Instruments

Fostering Climate Action through Trade-related Instruments
This Climate Focus-led project supports the EU Commission and DG Climate Action to actively engage in trade negotiations and further the EU's climate goals through its trade policy and agreements.

Sustainable Energy Access Fund for Poverty Reduction in Central America

Sustainable Energy Access Fund for Poverty Reduction in Central America
Climate Focus is providing technical support to the Sustainable Energy Access Fund for Poverty Reduction in Central America (FOCAEP) to promote a clean cookstoves market in Central America.

The Environmental Program for Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change (PAGRICC)

The Environmental Program for Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change (PAGRICC)
Climate Focus and partner INCLAM are supporting the government of Nicaragua to manage its natural resources and reduce risks from natural disasters associated to climate change impacting agriculture.

Piloting Nested REDD+ in Colombia

Piloting Nested REDD+ in Colombia
Climate Focus and Winrock International have begun a project funded by the International Climate Initiative to support Colombia in developing the pilot phase of its national REDD+ strategy

Climate Focus joins forces with Sinfonía Trópico to raise environmental awareness in Colombia

Climate Focus joins forces with Sinfonía Trópico to raise environmental awareness in Colombia
Climate Focus and Sinfonía Trópico have set up an initiative aiming to raise environmental awareness in Colombia through inspirational events and workshops that combine art, science and the community.

Development of business models to address drivers of deforestation

Development of business models to address drivers of deforestation
Funded by the International Climate Initiative, Climate Focus is implementing a project with UNIQUE to develop business models in the land-use sector that address drivers of deforestation.

Legal and institutional framework for a national and regional REDD+ program in Ethiopia

Legal and institutional framework for a national and regional REDD+ program in Ethiopia
Climate Focus supports the Government of Ethiopia to create a legal and institutional framework that will lead to the coordination and implementation of the REDD+ readiness process.

The USAID Lowering Emissions in Asia's Forests (USAID LEAF) program

The USAID Lowering Emissions in Asia's Forests (USAID LEAF) program
Climate Focus leads policy component of USAID LEAF, a program developing strategies to sustainably reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the forestry and land use sector in the Asia / Pacific region

Climate Finance for Railway Development in Ethiopia

Climate Finance for Railway Development in Ethiopia
Climate Focus and Carbon Africa are supporting the Ethiopian Railway Corporation in securing international climate finance for its low carbon transport plans in Ethiopia.

Climate Focus and Tact Launch MRV+

Climate Focus and Tact Launch MRV+
Climate Focus and its software partner, Tact L3C, have developed a new tool to help you manage the performance of your carbon programs, the Mogli MRV+ that uses mobile smartphone and tablet devices.

Implementing a carbon finance programme under EBRD’s green credit line in Turkey

Implementing a carbon finance programme under EBRD’s green credit line in Turkey
Climate Focus is supporting the EBRD with the implementation of a carbon finance programme under the Mid-size Sustainable Energy Financing Facility (MidSEFF) in Turkey.