Voluntary Carbon Market Dashboard Developments 2021

Voluntary Carbon Market Dashboard Developments 2021

Our annual overview of the voluntary carbon market is out!

Take a look at how the market has evolved over the past year, what the leading trends are, and what records were broken over 2021. This deck covers a complete overview of 2021 data, powered by our VCM Dashboard.

Key takeaways:

  • Issuance levels hit record highs (353 Mt)
  • Credit retirements are picking up pace (159 Mt)
  • Issuance of NbS credits almost tripling over 2020
  • A handful of countries dominate NbS credit supply
  • Retirements track issuance volumes, albeit at lower volumes

If you would like to receive monthly updates of the carbon market dashboard please email us at dashboard [at] climatefocus.com.