Managing Partner

Simon König

Simon is managing partner at Climate Focus and the executive director at Climate Focus North America. He advises government and private sector clients on policy, business, and partnership models for sustainable land use and REDD+. As an experienced project manager, he has led the assessment and development of numerous projects in Latin America, Asia, and Africa.

Prior to joining Climate Focus, Simon was Senior Manager Project Development at the private investment firm Permian Global in London, UK and Washington D.C., where he led the concept development, feasibility assessment, and technical implementation of conservation, restoration, and sustainable land use investments. In his earlier career he worked in sustainable tourism development and afforestation/reforestation of degraded pasture lands in Latin America, and as a segmentation analyst for Hilton Worldwide Holdings, Inc. In his spare time, Simon enjoys exploring the outdoors by mountain bike or walking, foraging for wild foods, and cooking dishes from around the world.

Simon holds a degree from the University of Edinburgh (MSc in ecological economics).

Climate Focus: Simon König
Washington, D.C., USA
Climate Focus North America
1701 Rhode Island Ave NW
Washington, DC 20036
United States
+1 202 540 22 73