GANSO – Creating sustainable landscapes

GANSO – Creating sustainable landscapes

GANSO is a partnership between Climate Focus and the Center for international Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) launched in 2018 to transform significant areas of degraded pastures into sustainable productive landscapes. It is a technical assistance and financing facility supporting farms in their transition from inefficient cattle ranching activities to sustainable and diversified production systems, that integrate cattle production intensification with tree crops, ecosystem conservation, and restoration.

The overall objective of GANSO intervention is to build scalable businesses at farm level that help reduce pressure on natural ecosystems, while supporting local economic and social development in areas occupied by inefficient livestock production systems.

Production transitioned to intensified system that liberates areas


Where extensive cattle operations currently exist, production is transitioned to an intensified system and improved pasture management that boosts productivity and reduces the land required to support the cattle herd. Areas liberated through intensification processes become available for timber, cocoa, and other tree crop plantations that provide additional and diversified income, as well as conservation and restoration of natural ecosystems.

GANSO is based on three pillars of action: 

  1. Intensify cattle production on existing pasturelands
  2. Introduce timber on areas liberated through sustainable intensification
  3. Conserve existing ecosystems and restore degraded ecosystems.

Tailored financial support for landowners

GANSO is founded based on work led by Climate Focus and CIAT to fill the gap of tailored financial and technical support to landowners that is required to exploit sustainable land-use opportunities at scale. Farmers usually receive limited technical and financial services. GANSO offers tailored solutions to each farm, focusing on the introduction of good agricultural and livestock practices that enhance management capacity, productivity, quality, and environmental performance.

Comprehensive Farm Management Plans guide all stages of implementation and scaling of intensification systems. Technical and operational support is complemented with thorough financial assessment and planning, support in credit applications to local banks, establishing connections to produce buyers and tree crop operators, while ensuring monitoring of performance.


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Release Date

October 2018

Team Members

Juan Pablo Castro
Senior Manager Latin America
Simon König
Managing Partner
Charlotte Streck
Co-founder and Lead Consultant