Join us at the African Carbon Forum 2016 28-30 June in Kigali, Rwanda

Join us at the African Carbon Forum 2016 28-30 June in Kigali, Rwanda

Climate Focus is looking forward to intense and fruitful discussions at the African Carbon Forum 2016 and cordially invites you to the following Side Event:

Linking market mechanisms and climate finance: Potential for Africa

June 28, 2016 | 17:30-18:30 | Room Marenga, Bamboo Lodge (light refreshments will be served)

A panel of experts and policy-makers will convene for discussions on what the Paris Agreement means for market mechanisms and climate finance in Africa. This side event will provide information on the status of ongoing initiatives to link leading climate financing institutions and market mechanisms, such as the CDM. Although successful reforms (PoAs, simplified methodologies) have strengthened access to the CDM by African countries, in order to bridge the time gap until the Paris Agreement’s ambition restores carbon market demand, climate finance to support high quality carbon market activities is needed. Linking carbon markets with climate financing institutions such as the Green Climate Fund (GCF) should therefore support existing climate support vehicles and stimulate new, scaled-up mitigation action in Africa. The discussion will highlight recent political developments and showcase practical experience in facilitating access to international climate finance for carbon market activities with high sustainable development (SD) benefits.


Moderator: Sandra Greiner (Climate Focus)


Silke Karcher (German Ministry of the Environment): German activities in support of UNFCCC-backed market mechanisms for Africa

Stephan Hoch (Perspectives): Linking Climate Finance and market mechanisms

El-Hadj Mbaye Diagne (Lead Negotiator Market Mechanisms, AGN): Africa’s views on future relevance of carbon markets and climate finance

Vintura Silva, UNFCCC Regional Collaboration Center (RCC): UNFCCC RCC support for linking CDM and climate finance


Chebet Maikut, Ministry of Water and Environment, Uganda

Yohannes Ameha, Ministry of the Environment, Forests, and Climate Change, Ethiopia

Further DNA/NDA Representatives

Q&A session                     

During the side event, we will also present our new policy brief “The Paris Agreement: The future relevance of UNFCCC-backed  carbon markets for Africa”,  which contains a detailed analysis and recommendations both for the UNFCCC negotiations as well as for mobilizing demand for climate action in Africa. You can access the publication here.