Webinar with Lead Authors of Guide to Communicating Carbon Pricing

Webinar with Lead Authors of Guide to Communicating Carbon Pricing

Effective communications are integral to designing and implementing a carbon price. They provide the means for building acceptance internally across government and externally with key stakeholders and the wider public. This shared understanding and acceptance is essential for building a robust policy that can be sustained through electoral and economic cycles.

The Guide to Communicating Carbon Pricing, co-authored by George Marshall (Climate Outreach) and Darragh Conway (Climate Focus) for the Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR) and the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition (CPLC) provides guidance on designing and implementing effective carbon pricing communications strategies.

In the webinar, held on 29 January 2019, the authors presented their key findings and discussed them with live participants as well as answering questions. Drawing on case studies from around the world, they outlined some of the main obstacles faced by communicators and the likely sources of public criticism and opposition that need to be addressed. 

Watch the recording of the webinar here. 

Download the complete guide and two briefing notes here.