Supporting strategic carbon pricing communication in Latin America

Supporting strategic carbon pricing communication in Latin America

Climate Focus is supporting the strategic communication of Latin America’s first two emissions trading systems (ETS), in Mexico and Colombia. Recognizing the challenges that governments worldwide face in building and maintaining support for ambitious carbon prices, we are assisting these pioneering countries in developing an evidence-based approach to communicating their policies, engaging with stakeholders, and responding to public concerns.

Mexico launches first emissions trading system in Latin America

Mexico launched the pilot phase of the ETS in January 2020, making it the first operational ETS in Latin-America. This initial stage provides a timely opportunity for building acceptance, disseminating information, and developing stakeholders’ capacities to participate in emissions trading.

Responding to this opportunity, Climate Focus is leading the design of a communication, stakeholder engagement, and capacity building strategy for the ETS, together with our partners Kanji, adelphi, McAllister Opinion Research, and Laguna. At the same time, we are leading a team that also includes Factor, Kanji, and Laguna in developing a handbook and other communication materials that will promote awareness and understanding of the ETS among participants, the general public, and other stakeholders

Colombia integrates communications in ETS development process 

The Colombian government has been integrating strategic communications throughout the process of developing its ETS, with Climate Focus leading the design of a communications, stakeholder engagement, and capacity building strategy in 2019. Now, we are translating words into action. Together with our partners Akorde, Climate Outreach, adelphi, and Carbon Trust, we will develop a comprehensive set of communications materials to promote understanding of and support for the ETS among relevant audiences and the general public, as well as a capacity building program aimed at strengthening the expertise of the public and private actors who will engage with the ETS.

Support to both countries is aided by the World Bank’s Partnership for Market Readiness and builds on the research and insights established by Climate Outreach and Climate Focus in the Guide to Communicating Carbon Pricing.



Release Date

June 2020

Team Members

Darragh Conway
Lead Legal Consultant