Shifting finance towards sustainable land use: A case study for Colombia

Shifting finance towards sustainable land use: A case study for Colombia

Colombia’s land sector is responsible for over half of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions, but also holds significant mitigation potential. Capitalizing on the mitigation potential offered by Colombia’s land use sector will require reviewing the performance of existing land use policies based on their economic, social and environmental costs and benefits, while explicitly considering climate mitigation and adaptation.

This new case study aims to illustrate the measures the Government of Colombia can take to shift existing public financial support for agriculture towards sustainable and low-carbon land use.

Download and read the report here.

About the project

A new, collaborative set of publications seeks to support governments in their efforts to reorient finance flowing to the land sector. Developed together with the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network and ODI, the publications explore the impact of existing finance flows to the land sector, identify the most promising policy options available to governments to make these flows compatible with the Paris Agreement, and provide a reporting framework for State Parties to consider and adopt ahead of the 2023 Global Stocktake.

The full set of publications are available on the Food, Environment, Land and Development Action Tracker here.

The work is kindly supported by Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI), implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU).

Release Date

September 2021


Manuelita Montaño
Legal Consultant
Danick Trouwloon
Associate Consultant
Juan Pablo Castro
Senior Manager Latin America
Charlotte Streck
Co-founder and Lead Consultant

Other Authors

Sebastian Lema