Associate Consultant

Danick Trouwloon

Danick Trouwloon is an analyst at Climate Focus. She supports advisory work on climate finance, carbon markets and marine climate policy. Her most recent work includes advising governments on aligning land use finance with low-emissions and climate-resilient development, in accordance with Article 2.1c of the Paris Agreement. 

Danick is fluent in English, Spanish, Dutch and Papiamentu (the Portuguese creole spoken in the Dutch Caribbean) and speaks a little French as well.

Danick holds a MSc degree in Ecological Economics from the University of Edinburgh and a BSc degree in Earth & Environment and Mathematics from University College Utrecht. Prior to joining Climate Focus, she worked on community-based fisheries management in southeast Madagascar.

In her free time, Danick enjoys reading, cooking and traveling, and she is committed to making the world a greener, more equitable place.

Climate Focus: Danick Trouwloon
Global head office - Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Climate Focus, B.V.
Van Diemenstraat 170
1013 CP Amsterdam
+31 20 262 10 30