Taking stock of national climate action for forests: Goal 7 Progress Report

Taking stock of national climate action for forests: Goal 7 Progress Report

The 2021 NYDF Assessment report focuses on Goal 7 of the New York Declaration on Forests (NYDF).

The original aim of Goal 7 of New York Declaration on Forests (NYDF) has been met: the Paris Agreement confirms forests’ pivotal role in the international climate agenda. But at a time when the protection, restoration, and sustainable management of forests have never been more urgent, global forest loss is in a worrying upward trend.  

The report looks at three aspects of government efforts to realize the full potential of forests for climate mitigation in line with NYDF Goal 7 and the Paris Agreement:
- how ambitious are countries in terms of their forest climate pledges;
- how much are governments investing in forest climate mitigation activities; and
- to what extent are countries implementing the strategies to advance forest mitigation goals.

The report also provides recommendations on what governments can do in each of these three aspects.

The full report, 'Taking stock of national action for forests' can be downloaded here. More information on the New York Declaration on Forests, NYDF Global Platform, and NYDF Progress Assessment can be found on forestdeclaration.org.

Release Date

October 2021


Franziska Haupt
Managing Partner
Haseeb Bakhtary
Senior Consultant
Darragh Conway
Lead Legal Consultant
David M. Landholm
Senior Consultant
Imogen Long
Erin D. Matson
Senior Consultant

Other Authors

Amy Duchelle
Swetha Peteru
Pham Thu Thuy